
Saturday, May 13, 2006

public photo session #!

waiting for the night to melt away,
we are growing mellow,
slowly, in this bookstore

if we like stina nordenstam,
"soon after christmas"

for our lovely dear friend Darlene,
a picture to tell a story of this peninsular
through her eyes
through her lens
through her ceaseless work

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this city will be taking 2 days-off
so come on down!!!

Friday, May 12, 2006

Poetry du Blanc S5

hear ye, hear ye,
gold in the air of summer
feeling homesick,
and winning a battle, losing a war

don't walk in parallel lines,
it's raining again.

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if we could do this all over again,
we'd still set up a bookstore.

hear ye, hear ye,
Air Mail
Par Avion


Thursday, April 06, 2006

poetry is true

allo allo
poetry du blanc session 4
death in the afternoon
fox in the snow
and we will collect moments
that we want
tucked in the woods,
you're a funny little frog.

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randomness will kill poetry
bellow with might and stop working
stand up, sit down, fall down the stairs
come attend please!!!!

and when i awoke,
your hands were on my shoulder.


Monday, February 20, 2006

Poetry du Blanc (session 2)

my dear fellow gremlins, another session, another day.
and new instamatics
and new typewriters
and new view-masters
and new play-mobils
and we could walk like the goonies,
and we could multiply like gremlins,
or you could just come by, join us,
listen & read your words.

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Wednesday, December 14, 2005


Hello all,

I'm still being tormented by my wisdom tooth pain, and even though it is supposed to give me wisdom, i dont feel so smart at all. okae, whatever cockshit am i babbling here??

Anyway, oh yes we have finally opened the BooksActually Bookstore. and the official opening is on this coming 17th Saturday. the party starts from 12pm and ends at 12midnight. yup, after midnight, all of us shall go back home and sleep. in my case, i shall go home and sleep too.

anyway again, this is the invite:

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and this the map so that you wouldn't get lost, and can't give me an excuse saying that you have no idea where the place is:

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alright, i sound really grouchy here b/c of the bloody wisdom tooth pain. hopefully i won't be that grouchy on Saturday.


Saturday, October 22, 2005

the BooksActually Bookstore (finally)

saturday 12:07am

' ____ biscuitas, mon amor.

on my island of hope
in that million dollar hotel
white plastic farm animals
white stepping stool
square tables stacked in 3s
in only one shophouse level
(125A Telok Ayer - 2nd floor)
and everytime,
i say too much
white letter box,
and the paint,
is peeling
and everything,
comes into a (creme) slow
movement of the french connection
or something like
"vittel with cassis"
its just you & me
on my island of hope, biscuitas
rows of books
lines of brave foot soldiers
the books gave me much more
oh yes, Polaroids
and view-master please
i could just sleep there
matching stools
quaint matchboxes of books
' _______ my wait & patience

thankyou Mister God!!
i see old tin boxes too
and crates that have sailed
from far-away, maybe
a cup of warm tea
in my condition,
i hope
i get to read a book
that says,
"thankyou Mister God!!"


Friday, September 23, 2005

BooksActually can finally sell you something for 20 cents, and no other bookstores could top that

i love you Biscuitas!!

my favourite school of thought
i determine, i dispose.
He pre-determines, He pre-disposes.
there's no way i could beat Him
but i had never ever thought of beating Him
though being my ass-self, i wanted to compete
but clearly, there's no way you or i could beat Him
i surrendered myself into His hands.
(i seek Him)

"every day there's a boy in the mirror
asking me
what are you doing here
finding my previous motives
growing increasingly unclear

I travelled far and I burned all the bridges
I believed as sooned as I hit land
all the other
options held before me
wither in the light of my plan"


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